Sunday, February 19, 2012

Largest Organism on Earth

Have you ever wondered, what is the largest creatures on our earth? Hmmm, the answer is not an elephant. Do you believe me that the answer is a fungus? Yes it is true. The largest organism on earth is a fungus. Yes, a Mushroom! And not even a rare type of fungus. If you have honey fungus (Armillaria ostoyae), which usually grow in your garden, then hope it does not reach the size of the mushroom's largest specimen ever recorded, which is in Malheur National Forest in Oregon. 
The fungus covers 890 hectares and was between 2,000 to 8,000 years. Most of the fungus is located below ground in the form of mycelia karpetmasif (as root) like white tentacles.Sometimes this fungus emerges from the soil fungus that appears as a band mediocre.
Giant mushrooms that grow in Oregon was originally supposed to grow in separategroups throughout the forest, but now researchers have confirmed that the fungus is thelargest single organism in the world that are connected underground.

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